Sunday, June 21, 2009


Just as the Qur’anic verses lead us to conclude Gog and Magog are North and South Korea (see post:, and therefore it can only be a matter of time before the war actively resumes, so too do Qur’anic verses give insight on the nature of the war.

1. Timing
Since we know the Last Hour cannot commence prior to June 26, 2010 (see previous post:, the suggestion is the war will reach its peak by this date, and this means the war must start soon - likely within weeks or months! Note, I have only put forward the most likely scenario...but the verses allow for the war to resume two years or even ten years out, but resume it must.

2. Not a Nuclear War
Since Gog and Magog will swarm down upon each other in waves, it follows the war cannot be a nuclear war since it would obliterate everything and leave nothing.

3. Primarily Land Based Conventional Assaults
Although the U.S. will rely on advanced war technologies including naval and air bombardments, for the most part the war must be fought with waves of ground assaults by each side as per the Qur’anic description. This does not preclude the use of chemical/biological weapons however, which would only add to the devastation. The combined armies are 2 million strong, isolated in a mountainous peninsula; an ideal setting for ‘swarming down from every highland’ - a land-based version of 'the perfect storm.'

4. Intensely Concentrated and Devastating
The implication of 'wave upon wave' is sustained and continuous death and destruction. Each new wave will only add to the mounting carnage. Unlike the 1950-1953 Korean war which caught people unaware, this time around there has been almost 60 years of preparation for round two. There has been a massive increase in the size of each army along with deadly advances in military technology. For the past 60 years, the North's only purpose of existence, its raison d'etre if you will, has been only to prepare for this war. The assault will indeed be merciless, and the response by necessity, must be the same.

5. A Quickly Escalating War
The idea of wave upon wave suggests that once the war starts, it will be like a runaway wild bush fire; there’s no stopping it, until of course God intervenes and the Trumpet is blown. And just like a wild bush fire, it only takes a small spark to ignite it – and that can happen anytime now.

The Korean War of Gog and Magog will go down as the most brutal war in the history of man – not in terms of scale or scope – but in terms of intensity, sheer devastation, and kamikaze-like relentlessness. It’s as if the accumulated evil of man will be harnessed, focused and manifested in this isolated peninsula, compacted by both time and space.

The unparalleled and magnified 'hell on earth' will send a tremor through God's Creation and induce, by its very nature, the arrival of the Last Hour. It literally will be, 'the war to end all wars'.

Peace (ironic). Imran

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