Tuesday, June 2, 2009


...continued from "End of Days part II".

There is a difference between the Day of Judgement and the Hour. The Hour is a segment of time within the Day of Judgement. Hence whatever happens during the Hour, is also something that is automatically part of the Day, but not necessarily the other way around. The Day of Judgement has already begun, but the Hour is imminent. The Qur’an describes the Hour as something that will come upon us suddenly:

Abdel Haleem:

6:31 “Lost indeed are those who deny the meeting with their Lord until, when the Hour suddenly arrives, they say, ‘Alas for us we disregarded this!’ They will bear the burdens on their backs. How terrible those burdens will be!”

12:107 “Are they so sure that an overwhelming punishment from God will not fall on them, or that the Last Hour will not come upon them suddenly when they least expect it?”

22:55 “The disbelievers will remain in doubt about it until the Hour suddenly overpowers them or until torment descends on them on a Day devoid of all hope.”

43:66 “What are they waiting for but the Hour, which will come upon them suddenly and take them unawares?”

It is important to note, the Day of Judgement is never described this way - not even once – as something that will come upon us suddenly. This is extremely significant and cannot be over emphasized - for the implication is that the Day of Judgement will commence without even our realization it has begun. And indeed this has been the case; no one knew in 1950 (though Allah knows best) that North/South Korea was indeed Gog/Magog, and that the start of the Korean War was clear evidence the Day of Judgement was already upon us. Consider now, the following verses:

Abdel Haleem:

30:12 “On the Day the Hour arrives, the guilty will despair”

30:55 “On the Day the Hour comes, the guilty will swear they lingered no more than an hour – they have always been deluded”.

(Note: Capital 'H' denotes God's Hour, small 'h' denotes a human hour)

I would like everyone to stop and think for a moment. Could a human being, recite something 1400 years ago, of which a portion of it is spread out throughout the recitation in scattered verses, meant for comprehension only by those who would be alive during that specific future time, in order to recognize and correlate those verses to their contemporary happenstance, and done in such a way that it would not be obvious, so as to befit the reason why we are here: To put man to the test. Could a human being, never mind write, but recite such a book over a 23 year period unless it was guided by God Himself? I think not, it is simply an impossibility.

Once again, to reiterate, it is only upon the arrival of the Hour, will God make things manifest and obvious. The Day of Judgement however, would have already begun.

God has laid out a series of events that will transpire on the Day of Judgement:

1. Gog and Magog are let loose upon each other in waves.
We are in this phase right now. The first wave or sets of waves were let loose during the North/South Korean War of 1950-53. The second wave or sets of waves are about to begin, by Allah's leave, likely within weeks or months of this post.

2. The Last Hour will begin.
This will be signaled by a massive earthquake:

22:1 “People, be mindful of your Lord, for the earthquake of the Last Hour will be a mighty thing: on the Day you see it, every nursing mother will think no more of her baby, every pregnant female will miscarry, you will think people are drunk when they are not, so severe will be God’s torment.

3. The Trumpet will be blown.
God will make His power, control and absolute authority known. Mountains will disappear, the sky will open up, and we will be brought out of our graves for judgement.

78:18-23 “A Day when the Trumpet will sound and you will come forward in crowds, when the sky will open up like wide portals, when the mountains will vanish like a mirage. Hell lies in wait, a home for oppressors to stay in for a long, long time.”

99:1-8 “When the earth is shaken violently in its (last) quaking, when the earth throws out its burdens,
when man cries, “What is happening to it?’, on that Day, it will tell all because your Lord will inspire it (to do so). On that Day, people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds: whoever has done an atom’s-weight of good will see it, but whoever has done an atom’s-weight of evil will see that.”

The highlighted sections of each verse(s) tie in the relationship between the last hour, the final earthquake, the trumpet being blown and people coming forward for judgement.

You may ask, well why is all of this important for us to know? We’re either going to Hell or Heaven, what difference does it make now that the Day of Judgement is already upon us? Here’s why:

47:18 “What are the disbelievers waiting for, other than the Hour which will come upon them unawares? Its signs are already here, but once the Hour has actually arrived, what use will it be then to take heed?”

The implication is we have up until the arrival of the Hour to take heed. This is part of God’s great Mercy. No matter what we’ve done in our lives up until this point, however evil it may have been, if we recognize there is no God but God and become Believers, we may still be entitled to God’s Mercy. It is, after all, only God’s Mercy that will save us all from the painful torment of Hell. This is only one of the many reasons why God is the most Merciful. However, if we deny the existence of the Oneness of God or associate partners with God, and then die in this state, then beware:

30:12-13 “On the Day the Hour arrives, the guilty will despair and they will have no intercessors among those partners they ascribed to God – they will deny these partners.”

Again, the implication of this verse is even during the beginning of the Day of Judgement (i.e. where we are now), up until the arrival of the Hour (which is imminent), we still can change our belief to accept God as the one true God, and be eligible for God’s Mercy according to His will, in order to avoid Hell and enjoy Heaven – the real and ultimate supreme triumph.

The entire reason I am taking the time and effort to write this, is only for this last hope. That’s it, no other reason - only to convey this message to as much of humanity as possible before the Hour arrives. For those who take the time to contemplate and use their reason, there is enough evidence in the Qur’an to undeniably and without doubt show:

1. Gog and Magog are indeed North and South Korea. Therefore;
2. The Qur’an must be the word of God. Therefore;
3. Muhammad (peace be upon him) must be the Messenger of God.
4. The Day of Judgement has already begun.
5. The Hour, however, has not yet arrived. Hence;
6. There is still some time - only Allah knows how much - before the Trumpet is blown and the Hour arrives.

Whoever has reasoned carefully, and without bias or preconceived belief structures, and after considered contemplation believes what I've communicated as truth, should pass this message on to as much of humanity as possible. Then let whoever wishes to believe, do so, and whoever wishes to pay no heed, do so. Remember, whoever God guides, none can lead astray, and whoever God leads astray, none can guide.

Let all of you who have read this, bear witness I have communicated the message He has inspired in me to understand, though Allah is witness enough. I pray I have not been misguided by Iblis (Satan), and the message I have conveyed is true and rightly guided, by Allah's leave. Ameen.

Peace. Imran.

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