The description of the jinn in the Qur'an is further evidence it is the Truth and literal word of God.
Consider the following verses:
15:26-27 “We created man out of dried clay formed from dark mud – the jinn We created before, from the fire of scorching wind.”
55:14-15 “He created mankind out of dried clay, like pottery, the jinn out of smokeless fire. Which, then of your Lord’s blessings do you both deny?”
If we combine the above verses, we can conclude the jinn were made from the smokeless fire of scorching wind. What can we think of, from our knowledge of the earth and the cosmos, that matches this description? Stars match this description perfectly. They are nothing but ‘smokeless fire’ and they produce radiation - which we are all too well aware - ‘scorches’. The same fusion reaction that powers our sun was harnessed in the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – and it was not the explosion from the bombs themselves, but rather the 'wind of radiation' from those bombs, that scorched well over a hundred thousand people.
Consider the following verses:
15:26-27 “We created man out of dried clay formed from dark mud – the jinn We created before, from the fire of scorching wind.”
55:14-15 “He created mankind out of dried clay, like pottery, the jinn out of smokeless fire. Which, then of your Lord’s blessings do you both deny?”
If we combine the above verses, we can conclude the jinn were made from the smokeless fire of scorching wind. What can we think of, from our knowledge of the earth and the cosmos, that matches this description? Stars match this description perfectly. They are nothing but ‘smokeless fire’ and they produce radiation - which we are all too well aware - ‘scorches’. The same fusion reaction that powers our sun was harnessed in the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – and it was not the explosion from the bombs themselves, but rather the 'wind of radiation' from those bombs, that scorched well over a hundred thousand people.
So we can readily see how radiation emitted from stars, exactly matches the description of scorching wind emitted from smokeless fire. It is not unreasonable to conclude therefore the jinn are made from the fire of stars. And since the fundamental product of the ‘fire of stars’ is radiation, the jinn are beings made out of electromagnetic radiation. Remember God says in the Qur’an (paraphrased), ‘He creates whatever He wills’. As further evidence, we know only a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to us, which we see as visible light; the remainder is hidden to our eyes:
7:26-27 “Children of Adam, We have given you garments to cover your nakedness and as adornment for you; the garments of God-consciousness is the best of all garments – this is one of God’s signs, so that people may take heed. Children of Adam, do not let Satan seduce you, as he did your parents, causing them to leave the Garden, stripping them of their garments to expose their nakedness to them: he and his forces can see you from where you cannot see them: We have made evil ones allies to those who do not believe.”
If jinn are made from an invisible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum – which is most of it – then indeed we could not see them, yet they could see us; exactly as described in the Qur’an above.
The backbone of modern day healthcare diagnostics rests on the controlled use of electromagnetic radiation; X-Ray, MRI and CT scan to name a few. Through deep levels of penetration, these devices give us critical information about the state and health of our bodies and minds – yet we do not feel the radiation entering our bodies; we are completely unaware of its presence. Imagine then, with how much more precision a living entity - made out of the very radiation itself - could deeply penetrate our bodies, and especially our minds without our knowledge or permission. Consider the last Qur’anic sura, entitled ‘People’:
114:1-6 “Say, ‘I seek refuge with the Lord of people, the Controller of people, the God of people, against the harm of the slinking whisperer – who whispers into the hearts of people – whether they be jinn or people.’
The jinn therefore, by the very nature and properties of electromagnetic radiation, are fully capable of making suggestions to us without our knowledge. They can do this by their ability to enter our minds at the frequency of thought and insert suggestions - literally 'whispers' - whispers that to us, appear to emanate from within and by ourselves. But in reality, they are from the jinn. And since it is only the evil jinn who descend upon us, and who themselves have been tempted to the wrong path by Iblis, it is only evil thoughts they insert. Because the jinn operate at the frequency of thought, they are intimately aware of each of our weaknesses since they can fully monitor these thoughts, right down to the subconscious. This is how the jinn know each of our unique weaknesses, and make suggestions accordingly, in their objective to lure us away from God and put us in the wrong. Indeed, this is the ultimate definition of a 'sworn enemy' - putting thoughts in our heads without our knowledge, for the sole intention of sending us to the fire of Hell. And yet inspite of this, when you really think about it, fundamentally their only power is to call us away from God’s path. The decision to further entertain and act upon those thoughts remains entirely with us:
14:22 “When everything has been decided, Satan will say, ‘God gave you a true promise. I too made promises but they were false ones: I had no power over you except to call you, and you responded to my call, so do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I reject the way you associated me with God before.’ A bitter torment awaits such wrongdoers…”
Indeed, we can see now how these verses are beginning to make sense.
Electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light, 300,000 km/sec, and though it permeates our entire universe, it nevertheless cannot escape our universe unless God wills otherwise. And so, just like electromagnetic radiation - the jinn too are space travelers - very likely able to travel at similar speeds but not able to escape our universe.
Consider the following Qur’anic verses:
37:1-10 “By those (angels) ranged in rows, who rebuke reproachfully and recite God’s word, truly your God is One, Lord of the heavens and earth and everything between them, Lord of every sunrise, We have adorned the lowest heaven with stars, and made them a safeguard against every rebellious devil: they cannot eavesdrop on the Higher Assembly – pelted from every side, driven away, they will have perpetual torment – if any (of them) stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame.”
72:8-10 “We tried to reach heaven, but discovered it to be full of stern guards and shooting stars – we used to sit in places there, listening, but anyone trying to listen now will find a shooting star lying in wait for him – (so now) we do not know whether those who live on earth are due for misfortune, or whether their Lord intends to guide them.”
55:33 “Jinn and mankind, if you can pass beyond the regions of heaven and earth, then do so: you will not pass without Our authority.”
From these verses, we can conclude the jinn can travel to the far reaches of our universe. They not only try to listen in on heaven above (37:1-10) but also try and reach it (72:8-10), but God has not yet given them permission to do so (55:33); for if He had, the jinn would not have been pelted from every side and pursued by a piercing flame (37:1-10). We can also conclude, the jinn would not make attempts to eavesdrop on heaven above unless somehow the heavens were connected to each other. To further support this, the Qur’an clearly states there are pathways leading up to God from all seven levels of Heaven:
70:1-7 “A man (mockingly) demanded the punishment. It will fall on the disbelievers – none can deflect it – from God, the Lord of the Ways of Ascent, by which the angels and the Spirit ascend to Him, on a Day whose length is fifty thousand years. So be patient, (Prophet), as befits you. The disbelievers think it is distant, but We know it to be close.”
Consider the following Qur’anic verses:
37:1-10 “By those (angels) ranged in rows, who rebuke reproachfully and recite God’s word, truly your God is One, Lord of the heavens and earth and everything between them, Lord of every sunrise, We have adorned the lowest heaven with stars, and made them a safeguard against every rebellious devil: they cannot eavesdrop on the Higher Assembly – pelted from every side, driven away, they will have perpetual torment – if any (of them) stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame.”
72:8-10 “We tried to reach heaven, but discovered it to be full of stern guards and shooting stars – we used to sit in places there, listening, but anyone trying to listen now will find a shooting star lying in wait for him – (so now) we do not know whether those who live on earth are due for misfortune, or whether their Lord intends to guide them.”
55:33 “Jinn and mankind, if you can pass beyond the regions of heaven and earth, then do so: you will not pass without Our authority.”
From these verses, we can conclude the jinn can travel to the far reaches of our universe. They not only try to listen in on heaven above (37:1-10) but also try and reach it (72:8-10), but God has not yet given them permission to do so (55:33); for if He had, the jinn would not have been pelted from every side and pursued by a piercing flame (37:1-10). We can also conclude, the jinn would not make attempts to eavesdrop on heaven above unless somehow the heavens were connected to each other. To further support this, the Qur’an clearly states there are pathways leading up to God from all seven levels of Heaven:
70:1-7 “A man (mockingly) demanded the punishment. It will fall on the disbelievers – none can deflect it – from God, the Lord of the Ways of Ascent, by which the angels and the Spirit ascend to Him, on a Day whose length is fifty thousand years. So be patient, (Prophet), as befits you. The disbelievers think it is distant, but We know it to be close.”
67:1-5 “Exalted is He who holds all control in his hands; who has power over all things; who created death and life to test you (people) and reveal which of you does best – He is the Mighty, the Forgiving; who created the seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any flaw in what the Lord of Mercy creates. Look again! Can you see any flaw! Look again! And again! Your sight will turn back to you, weak and defeated. We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps…”
41:12 “And in two Days He formed seven heavens, and assigned an order to each. We have made the nearest one beautifully illuminated and secure. Such is the design of the Almighty, the All Knowing.”
Since it is adorned with stars, it follows we must be living in the lowest level of heaven, which we call our universe. Each level of heaven, or universe, has also been assigned its own order. We understand this order to some extent, as it applies to our own level of heaven, and refer to this order as the Laws of Science. This order or Laws of Science however, does not apply to the other levels of heaven, nor do the laws of one level of heaven apply to another level of heaven. Each heaven or universe is uniquely governed by its own sets of laws.
Having said this, each level of heaven must be connected to one another by some means. This must be so because God has said all things go back to Him, that He sits on the throne which is above all the heavens, that each level of heaven is above the other, and the Angels go up to Him by certain paths, which He has described as ‘the Ways of Ascent’. Clearly, the Ways of Ascent are pathways that connect the heavens, allow angels to go up from our earth through our universe, up through the other six levels of heaven above us, and finally to God’s throne - which is above all His creation. Moreover, all control belongs to God, and all things in all the heavens go back to Him:
57:1-6 “Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies God - He is the Almighty, the Wise, Control of the heavens and earth belongs to Him; He gives life and death; He has power over all things. He is the First and the Last, the Outer and the Inner. He has knowledge of all things. It was He who created the heavens and earth in six Days and then established Himself on the throne. He knows what enters the earth and what comes out of it; what descends from the sky and what ascends to it. He is with you wherever you are; He sees all that you do; control of the heavens and earth belongs to Him. Everything is brought back to God. He makes night merge into day and day into night. He knows what is in every heart.”
As for the structure of the heavens, we have thus far established:
1. There are seven levels of heaven, one above the other, with each level being its own ‘universe’.
2. Each level of heaven has its own unique sets of laws which govern it.
3. We live in the lowest level of heaven since it is the one adorned with stars.
4. All the heavens are connected to each other by pathways known as the ‘Ways of Ascent’, by which the angels ascend to God.
5. God’s throne sits above all levels of heaven.
6. All things go back to God.
As for the Jinn:
7. Are beings made out of non-visible electromagnetic radiation.
8. Can likely travel up to the speed of light.
9. Can travel anywhere in our universe.
10. Are not able to escape our universe.
11. Try to listen in on heaven above but are not able to do so because they are pelted from all sides.
As for the Jinn:
7. Are beings made out of non-visible electromagnetic radiation.
8. Can likely travel up to the speed of light.
9. Can travel anywhere in our universe.
10. Are not able to escape our universe.
11. Try to listen in on heaven above but are not able to do so because they are pelted from all sides.
It is reasonable to conclude that if the 'Ways of Ascent' are pathways God has created by which angels ascend through the heavens above us, then these same pathways are likely the avenues by which the jinn attempt to either eavesdrop or leave our universe, but are forbidden from doing so. I have also reached the conclusion the opening of these pathways, the portholes to heaven if you will, are in fact none other than black holes. In modern day cosmology, what we know about black holes is accurately described by Qur’anic verses. Look again at the following verses:
37:1-10 “By those (angels) ranged in rows, who rebuke reproachfully and recite God’s word, truly your God is One, Lord of the heavens and earth and everything between them, Lord of every sunrise, We have adorned the lowest heaven with stars, and made them a safeguard against every rebellious devil: they cannot eavesdrop on the Higher Assembly – pelted from every side, driven away, they will have perpetual torment – if any (of them) stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame.”
72:8-10 “We tried to reach heaven, but discovered it to be full of stern guards and shooting stars – we used to sit in places there, listening, but anyone trying to listen now will find a shooting star lying in wait for him – (so now) we do not know whether those who live on earth are due for misfortune, or whether their Lord intends to guide them.”
In 37:1-10, God has stated He has made stars - the very substance jinn are made from - as safeguards preventing jinn from entering heaven. And what are black holes? Black holes are massive stars, which have burned themselves out, and due to their immense gravity, have collapsed in on themselves. Their gravity is so strong, not even light can escape them, and so they appear black (though we detect them indirectly through their gravitational pull). But fundamentally, black holes are stars - stars transformed into another state.
Since nothing escapes black holes once it enters them, black holes only get bigger and bigger over time. Once they get massive enough, there are literally traffic jams piling up around black holes known as accretion discs. This is material that is swirling around black holes waiting to get in. Accretion discs themselves give off significant amounts of radiation.
Over time, after enough material has entered a black hole, it becomes supermassive, and literally 'shoots out' huge amounts of radiation right out its centre, and perpendicular to its accretion disc, which we observe as a gas jet. All black holes with gas jets also have accretion discs, and between the two of them, there is no way any living entity susceptible to the scorching effects of electromagnetic radiation, can ever hope to enter a black hole. If the jinn attempted to enter such a black hole, indeed they would be ‘pelted from every side’, just as the Qur'an accurately describes.
In the verses above, I believe the ‘stern guards’ God is referring to are ‘accretion discs’ and the ‘piercing flame’ to be gas jets. If you look at a black hole with an accretion disc, indeed it can be viewed as a disc guarding its entry. The ‘shooting star’ the Qur’an is referring to is any massive black hole (i.e. a transformed star) that has a gas jet shooting out from it.
I am also of the opinion, the theoretical concept known as geodesics, which is described as a curved space associated with black holes, are tube-like structure (i.e. curved space) that become the ‘Ways of Ascent’. In astrophysics, the entire mass of a geodesic is fully expressed as a point of singularity, i.e. the black hole attached to it. As the tube-like geodesic, or ‘Way of Ascent’, grows taller and wider, it translates and expresses itself back in our universe, as a growing massive black hole. At some point during the growth of the geodesic - when it nears heaven above or at the point when it reaches it - a gas jet shoots out from the black hole and effectively prevents the jinn from eavesdropping. We have millions of black holes in our universe that are continually forming; some are young and not very massive, others are ancient and supermassive with powerful gas jets shooting out.
Interestingly enough, the Qur’an says something else very telling:
37:1-10 “By those (angels) ranged in rows, who rebuke reproachfully and recite God’s word, truly your God is One, Lord of the heavens and earth and everything between them, Lord of every sunrise, We have adorned the lowest heaven with stars, and made them a safeguard against every rebellious devil: they cannot eavesdrop on the Higher Assembly – pelted from every side, driven away, they will have perpetual torment – if any (of them) stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be pursued by a piercing flame.”
72:8-10 “We tried to reach heaven, but discovered it to be full of stern guards and shooting stars – we used to sit in places there, listening, but anyone trying to listen now will find a shooting star lying in wait for him – (so now) we do not know whether those who live on earth are due for misfortune, or whether their Lord intends to guide them.”
In 37:1-10, God has stated He has made stars - the very substance jinn are made from - as safeguards preventing jinn from entering heaven. And what are black holes? Black holes are massive stars, which have burned themselves out, and due to their immense gravity, have collapsed in on themselves. Their gravity is so strong, not even light can escape them, and so they appear black (though we detect them indirectly through their gravitational pull). But fundamentally, black holes are stars - stars transformed into another state.
Since nothing escapes black holes once it enters them, black holes only get bigger and bigger over time. Once they get massive enough, there are literally traffic jams piling up around black holes known as accretion discs. This is material that is swirling around black holes waiting to get in. Accretion discs themselves give off significant amounts of radiation.
Over time, after enough material has entered a black hole, it becomes supermassive, and literally 'shoots out' huge amounts of radiation right out its centre, and perpendicular to its accretion disc, which we observe as a gas jet. All black holes with gas jets also have accretion discs, and between the two of them, there is no way any living entity susceptible to the scorching effects of electromagnetic radiation, can ever hope to enter a black hole. If the jinn attempted to enter such a black hole, indeed they would be ‘pelted from every side’, just as the Qur'an accurately describes.
In the verses above, I believe the ‘stern guards’ God is referring to are ‘accretion discs’ and the ‘piercing flame’ to be gas jets. If you look at a black hole with an accretion disc, indeed it can be viewed as a disc guarding its entry. The ‘shooting star’ the Qur’an is referring to is any massive black hole (i.e. a transformed star) that has a gas jet shooting out from it.
I am also of the opinion, the theoretical concept known as geodesics, which is described as a curved space associated with black holes, are tube-like structure (i.e. curved space) that become the ‘Ways of Ascent’. In astrophysics, the entire mass of a geodesic is fully expressed as a point of singularity, i.e. the black hole attached to it. As the tube-like geodesic, or ‘Way of Ascent’, grows taller and wider, it translates and expresses itself back in our universe, as a growing massive black hole. At some point during the growth of the geodesic - when it nears heaven above or at the point when it reaches it - a gas jet shoots out from the black hole and effectively prevents the jinn from eavesdropping. We have millions of black holes in our universe that are continually forming; some are young and not very massive, others are ancient and supermassive with powerful gas jets shooting out.
Interestingly enough, the Qur’an says something else very telling:
72:9 “we used to sit in places there, listening, but anyone trying to listen now will find a shooting star lying in wait for him.”
This implies that billions of years ago when our universe was much younger, since the jinn were able to eavesdrop, there must have been black holes with no gas jets even though their associated geodesic was connected to heaven above. It is also worth noting, the only way into a black hole is not through the top of it, but only along the swirling path by which materials enter via its accretion disc. The jinn could hang out above the centre of the black hole and listen in, but they could not enter. Hence, even if the jinn were able to eavesdrop on heaven billions of years ago as the verse clearly suggests, they still could not enter a black hole because it was literally guarded by its accretion disc. And if the black hole was too small to have an accretion disc, then by consequence it also had a very short geodesic that could not traverse the 'inter-heaven' gap; effectively, a dead-end street for hopeful jinn. As the universe aged, and black holes became more massive with gas jets shooting out, the jinn could no longer even listen in on the Higher Assembly.
How can all the pieces of the puzzle fit together so perfectly, requiring knowledge we could only know today - not even 30 years ago - from verses recited 1400 years go, unless those verses truly are the words of God? And why is the puzzle being solved now as the Hour draws near? It can only mean God's promise is true; never is a (global) community destroyed without first given a warning.
But there’s more still. The suggestion being made, is the heavens are continuously moving further apart from each other, so that by the time the earth was created (or at least when Adam and his mate were sent down to earth) the distance between the heavens was far enough so that the connecting geodesics would reach the mass required for black holes to form gas jets. This explains why, once upon a time, the jinn were able to eavesdrop on heaven above but can no longer do so. The following verse supports the notion the heavens are continually moving apart from each other:
21:30 “Are the disbelievers not aware that the heavens and the earth used to be joined together and that We ripped them apart, that We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe?”
Indeed, if all the heavens were one, and God ripped or exploded them away from each other, by consequence the heavens must be getting farther and farther apart over time. We can therefore see how each verse supports and adds incrementally to the evidence pointing to the undeniable truth of the Qur’an.
Finally, we know the jinn, even though made out of electromagnetic radiation, are nonetheless scorched by it, because on the Day of Judgement, the guilty – whether made from clay or fire – will burn in the fire of Hell.
32:13 “If it had been Our will, We could certainly have given every soul its true guidance, but My words have come true. “I shall be sure to fill Hell with jinn and men together.” So since you ignored the meeting on this Day of yours, now We shall ignore you: taste the lasting suffering for all you have done.”
74:26-31 “I will throw him into the scorching Fire. What will explain to you what the scorching Fire is? It spares nothing and leaves nothing; it scorches the flesh of humans; there are nineteen in charge of it – none other than angels appointed by Us to guard Hellfire – and We have made their number a test for the disbelievers…”
Peace. Imran
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